Making Change
Biblical principles of giving and receiving – learning why you should talk about money – giving people practical tools to reduce their debt
Surveys reveal that the large majority of churches do not teach on the topic of money. This is unfortunate because Jesus talked more about money and finances than any other subject. Let Michael come and teach your congregation Biblical principles of finances and practical ways to get their finances in order. In the last session, he teaches proven methods to help individuals reduce their debt.
Format: This one-day seminar utilizes the Sunday morning message and an additional two one-hour sessions that afternoon or evening.
Target audience: If you are looking to increase your church’s contributions and/or reduce your personal debt, then you can’t afford to miss this event!
What You Can Expect: Making Change has the potential to help a church significantly increase financial contributions and give individuals tools to reduce their consumer debt. People can walk away with a renewed desire to be generous givers and the tools to make that a reality.