Helping Your Team Reach Their Full Potential!

How do I best relate with those around me? The REAL You personality assessment tool will reveal your natural personality and unlock the basic truths of how to connect to others.

Michael believes everyone has the potential to become a leader. In a “The REAL YOU” workshop he will share his 38 years of vast experience and help you unlock your leadership potential. You will also learn how to leverage the potential of others in a team-building setting to advance the goals of your business/organization together.

Format: With the ability to accommodate up to 100 people, Engaging Your Power is a two hour experience over a single day.

Target-audience: Anyone who wants to unlock their leadership potential by better understanding their natural personality and skills/gifts, as well as learn to better work with those around them will find this experience invaluable.

What You Can Expect: Business and non-profit workers will find a deeper realization of themselves. These personal discoveries will help them better interact with others, especially in team settings.