Because Michael walks slowly through the crowd, he can quickly discern areas of strengths and weaknesses. He has a natural ability to encourage and motivate others.

Michael’s presentation to pastors on financial discipleship is a fresh and biblical approach. I wish every pastor in the Southern Baptist Convention could see it!

Michael teaches pastors to remove the fear of preaching on money by preaching that finances is a part of discipleship. One pastor got so excited, he jumped from his chair!

Michael’s passion to preach the truth was what our church needed. It wasn’t always popular but it was definitely what we as Christ followers needed to hear.

Michael exhibited the highest integrity and character at all times. His Christ-like leadership put our church back on track.

In my 30 years of pastoral ministry, Michael’s teaching about reducing debt is as biblical, practical and beneficial as any I’ve seen!

Michael has an unusual ability to analyze a church’s strengths and weaknesses. His ministry can be a tremendous encouragement to your congregation.

Michael’s passion for Christ, along with his discernment and analysis skills, made a immediate impact on our church!

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