Stewardship Is MORE Than Money. Stewardship Is Discipleship!
Every pastor would like to experience increased offerings! After all, more money, means more Ministry and Missions! One Big Problem. Most pastors are reticent to preach about money! Surveys in one bible-belt state revealed that 60% of the pastors in a large evangelical denomination had no strategic plan to increase offerings. Of the 40% of those pastors that said yes, half said their plan was merely an announcement in the bulletin, a brochure in the foyer, an occasional tithing testimony or an annual tithing sermon. That means, that only 2 out of 10 pastors surveyed, have a cohesive plan to preach/teach their people about biblical finances.
Several years ago, Michael began meeting with pastors to share a revolutionary message. “STOP preaching on money and putting finances in it’s own special category and place the teaching of finances in the doctrine of Lordship/Discipleship where it belongs!”
Solutions For Life is a proven resource that Michael uses to teach Discipleship and increase offerings at the same time. SFL is a series of specifically selected sermons that discusses Lordship in several areas of the believer’s life. The series culminates with a biblical message on giving with an opportunity to become a tither and/or a generous giver using the MY CHOICE card.
For many churches the results are astonishing! “After several years of not having revival, I decided to use the Solutions For Life revival as more of a discipleship emphasis. We had a great response. People were saved after the message on biblical salvation. The sermons that focused on life’s issues gave us a point contact with various groups. The tithing emphasis and the MY CHOICE commitment card helped our church experience a supernatural, historical jump in financial giving. No doubt God used the Solutions For Life revival as part of the increase.” Dr. Kevin Stewart, Senior Pastor
To discuss or schedule a Solutions For Life emphasis, go to the contact page of this website or email Michael at