Certified Mediator
I recently had the opportunity to fulfill a five-year desire. The first time I heard about mediation training, I knew I wanted to become a mediator. Off and on, for several years, I would see articles or advertisements for mediation training. About three years ago I did some serious investigation and got closer than ever to finding a place to receive training.
About six months ago, I happened on an email about a mediation training in Texas. I investigated the company thoroughly and chose the course of training for me. Before enrolling, I called an attorney friend to let her share in my excitement. In the course of a couple of days, she suggested that might not be the best course of action for my goals. I listened to her counsel and decided to forgo that training.
A few weeks later, she sent me an email about two training courses here in Louisiana. As I researched this particular mediation training firm, I discovered this training would allow me to become certified by the Louisiana State Bar Association-ADR Section. I enrolled in both courses of training. I am so happy I decided to wait. Now I have the opportunity to be on the official registry of Certified Mediators in Louisiana. This time, it proves the old saying … “good things come to those who wait”.